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Wunderkammer VII - ah but I may as well try an catch the wind, at Radiale, Kommandantenhaus Dilsberg Wunderkammer II, Galerie Lorenz, Frankfurt a. M. Without the wall the wind would have carried the willow in to the world, Galerie Lorenz, Frankfurt oh word, Galerie Lorenz, Frankfurt a. M. Talking about this work for 1h 2min and 27 sec, Video Subzone Galerie Adler, Frankfurt a. M. Mach dass alles gut wird, Nassauischer Kunstverein, Wiesbaden Mama, Mama, Laxart Sound Gallery, Los Angeles Faces/Projections, Lola Montez, Frankfurt a. M. Iss mich, Kunsthalle Karlsruhe Five Trillion Times, The 2nd CAA Printmaking Triennial, Art Museum of CCA, Hangzhou, China Ungeborenen Elefanten ins Maul sehen oder von der schönen Ordnung der Dinge, Port 25, Mannheim Deltabeben, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen Aesthetica Art Prize, York Art Gallery Zum Anbeißen: Früchte in der Kunst, Museum der Brotkultur, Ulm Celeste Prize Finalist's Show, Oxo Tower, London Sünde und Erkenntnis, Museum Sinclair-Haus, Atlana Kultur Stiftung, Bad Homburg Vitaminbombe – Früchtebilder von Picasso bis Warhol, Kunsthalle Emden Reife Früchte und junges Gemüse, Kupfälzisches Museum, Heidelberg Montez im Exil, The Museum, Leipzig Wurzeln weit mehr... , Kunstverein Familie Montez Machines, presented by The Chess Club and Nyx, Old Police Station Deptford, London Horticulture, Galerie Lorenz, Frankfurt a. M. Vincula, UCL Art Museum, London Making Space, Woburn Research Centre, London Cover, Nachtspeicher 23, Hamburg Surplus to requirements?, Woburn Research Centre, London Santa‘s Grotto, Galerie Lorenz, Frankfurt a. M. Spillage, Woburn Research Centre, London Ghosts of Dreams Deferred, Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina Seriously....? Exploring sincerity in contemporary film and performance, University of Hertfordshire, St. Albans Delocalisation, Press to Exit Project Space, Skopje Ever Level, Ve.Sch – Society for Space and Form in Fine Art, Vienna DADAADA, Ada Gallery, London Love in the age of postponed democracy, the critical crisis, Kunsthalle Luzern SIX, Research Development Programme, Woburn Research Centre, London Seriously....? Exploring sincerity in contemporary film and performance, Arts Depot, London Ende 2008, Städelmuseum, Frankfurt a. M. Wortlos, Coma, Frankfurt a. M. Einen Roland dür einen Oliver,Kunstverein Ettlingen Matters & Memories, 2nd Moscow Biennale, Vinzavot, Moscow Elena, Laura, Michael & Olli (for Matthew and Barbara), Ladan - The Mobile Box, 4th Gothenburg Biennial Haven‘t we met before?, Atelier 23, Heidelberg Festival junger Talente - Schnittstellen, Messe Offenbach Kunstrasen - Ersatzbank der Gefühle, ZfzK Centre for Contemporary Art Halle Two swans a carpet and a tune, Doppelzimmer Giessen Kunststudenten stellen aus, 17th Federal Competition, Art and Exhibition Hall of the Republic of Germany, Bonn Kunstpositionen/ Art Positions, Allgemeine Hypothekenbank Rheinboden AG, Frankfurt a. M., Project 4.1, Bookfaire Frankfurt a. M. Festival junger Talente, Messe Offenbach |